Nick Pinchuk is chairman and chief executive of ficer of Snap-on Incorporated.Nick's career has been marked by ongoing service to his country, his company, and the American workforce. He received his M.B.A. from Harv ard, and his Master and Bachelor of Science Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He served our coun try in Vietnam as an officer in the United States Army. Nick is a member of the board of directors of Columbus McKinnon Corporation, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Council on Competitiveness, The Manufacturing Institute, the Manufacturer’s Alliance for Productivity and Innovation, and Carthage College. Bef ore joining Snap-on in 2002 as senior vice president and president of the Snap-on Worldwide Commercial and Industrial Group, Nick was president of global refrigeration operations, a multi-billion-dollar business unit of Carrier Corporation and a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation. He also spent more than a decade as president of Carrier's Asia Pacific operations, based in that region. Prior to United Technologies, he was with Ford Motor Company, where he held various financial and engineering positions. Nick is widely recognized for his leadership in education and workforce development. SkillsUSA named him Champion of the Year, identifying his extensive support for the growth of a skilled American workforce. IndustryWeek inducted him into the Manufacturing Hall of Fame recognizing his work in leading the American manufacturing renaissance. In addition, the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association has recognized him for his far-reaching professional contributions in the field of education.Nick continues to be an outspoken leader on workforce development in media appearances and speaking engagements across the country. He appears regularly on CNBC and Bloomberg, commenting on the global economic scene and advocating for arming everyday people with the skills they need to win the global competition for jobs.