University of Minnesota

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Council Insights: Responding to the AI-Led Surge in Power Demand
U.S. power demand is surging for the first time in more than 20 years. Many observers point the finger at the artificial intelligence (AI) boom, which has spawned hundreds of data centers across the country. According to an analysis by the Boston Consulting Group, electricity demand at US data centers could triple by 2030. In […]
Future Of Tech: Navigating Uncertainty & Planning For Prosperity
Predicting the future is a business unto itself with pundits, futurists, scientists, engineers, and more constantly sharing their musings of the future. And this business has incredible implications on society - whether the predictions manifest or not. For example, take a look at just one survey of the future: the 1970 McGraw-Hill Survey of Technological […]
America’s High-Tech Manufacturing Rising Stars
For decades, the U.S. economy has been caught in a whirlwind of global competition and rapid technological change. Some regions have soared, while others have seen their manufacturing economies crushed by competition from lower-wage countries.  Leaders in struggling regions have often looked to America’s high-tech superstars—such as Silicon Valley and Boston—for models to revitalize their […]
Who Will Lead The Age Of Fusion Energy?
Every now and then, a scientific breakthrough changes the world. From the Copernican heliocentric model of the universe and electricity to penicillin and the discovery of the structure of DNA, these developments transform our globe — and another one has been reached. A new breakthrough with world changing potential.  For most of human history, why […]
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