University of Minnesota
Winning 21st-century technological and competitive challenges, preserving our world leadership, and shaping a future that operates on democratic, free market principles depend on the United States’ power to innovate.

In the 2020 Competing in the Next Economy report, the Council’s National Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness Frontiers (Commission) challenged the United States with an ambitious and audacious goal to increase innovation 10X. Today, with AI demonstrating its force-multiplying power in research and development, triggering unprecedented waves of discoveries and technological advancements, 10X innovation has never been within closer reach.

Given the remarkable changes that have occurred over the past five years, the Commission has set forth more than 50 recommendations — organized under seven key pillars of innovation — to help the United States achieve 10X. 

Seven 10x pillars:
1. Developing, Supporting, and Expanding the Modern Innovation Workforce
2. Unleashing 10x the Most Competitive Business Climate for Innovation
3. Asserting 10x U.S. Global Leadership
4. Expanding 10x the Transition to Energy Abundance, Security, and Sustainability
5. Accelerating 10x Technology Development and Deployment at Speed and Scale
6. Empowering 10x Skilled Workforce
7. Expanding 10x Place-Making Innovation and Collaborative Innovation Networks
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