Together with its Mountain West Innovation Summit co-hosts and National Commissioners Dr. Ed Seidel, President of the University of Wyoming, Mr. Greg Hill, President and COO, Hess Corporation, and Dr. John Wagner, Director of Idaho National Laboratory, the Council brought together leaders from across the country from academia, national labs and industry last week to benchmark national and regional innovation best practices, network with peers to seek partnerships, and expand America’s regional innovation geography. Highlighting the event were three keynote speakers: Governor Mark Gordon of Wyoming, Dr. Erwin Gianchandani, Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation, and Mr. Tony Aquila, Chairman and CEO of Canoo Technologies.
The Council engaged its National Commissioners and regional leaders in key discussions laying the groundwork for the next phase of the “National Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness Frontiers,” which has since launched and will focus on the future of sustainability; deploying disruptive tech at scale; place-based innovation, and the future of work and the workforce.