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TLSI 2023 Summer Dialogue Summary Report

On June 29, 2023, the Council on Competitiveness convened its Summer and 27th Technology Leadership and Strategy Initiative (TLSI) Dialogue, hosted by Lockheed Martin at its Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto, California.

About 35 leaders from technology-intensive industry sectors, universities, national laboratories, and the Federal government came together to explore forces, challenges, and opportunities shaping the U.S. defense industrial base for the 21st century. Discussions centered around five themes:

  1. Developing an adaptive and agile industrial base to meet U.S. economic, national security, energy, and sustainability needs
  2. Optimizing the growing reliance on new knowledge and technology developed in the commercial sector and universities
  3. Lowering Department of Defense cultural barriers to increased use of commercial technologies, and reforming acquisitions to speed insertion of cutting-edge technology
  4. An emerging parallel system for defense innovation
  5. Deploying technology statecraft with strategic allies

The dialogue was led by TLSI Co-Chairs—the Honorable Patricia Falcone, Deputy Director for Science and Technology at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Dr. Sally Morton, Executive Vice President, Knowledge Enterprise at Arizona State University; and Dr. Steven Walker, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Lockheed Martin.

Read more about this critical milestone event here.

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