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Taking Talent to the Next Level — Preparing the Workforce for a Sustainable U.S. Manufacturing Renaissance: National Competitiveness Forum

Dr. Steve Ashby – Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Dr. Carol Burns – Deputy, Director Berkeley Lab

Dr. Elizabeth Cantwell – President, Utah State University

Mr. Nick Pinchuk President & CEO, Snap-on Incorporated

Dr. Gregory Washington – President, George Mason University

Dr. Pradeep Khosla – Chancellor, University of California, San Diego

At the end of the day, what matters most for competitiveness is PEOPLE. With this in mind, how are leaders across industry, academia & the national labs strategizing to expand, educate, train, retain, & reskill America’s workforce? Pradeep Khosla of UC San Diego, Steven Ashby of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Carol Burns of Berkeley Lab, Elizabeth Cantwell of Utah State University, Nick Pinchuk of Snap-on, and Gregory Washington of George Mason University discussed this at the 2023 National Competitiveness Forum. Read a summary of their thought-provoking conversation in the 2023 National Competitiveness Forum Summary Report.

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