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National Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness Frontiers

Competing in the Next Economy: Innovating in the Age of Disruption & Discontinuity

The Call to Action, which is part of the larger report titled Competing in the Next Economy: Innovating in an Age of Disruption and Discontinuity, comes at a critical juncture as the United States faces new challenges and opportunities amid tremendous technological and geopolitical change. The Call to Action identifies crucial policies for government, states, the private sector, and research institutions to secure America's position as a global leader in technology and innovation. This new report highlights the urgent need for a refreshed vision to bolster U.S. innovation considering evolving challenges such as AI advancements, energy transformations, and increased geostrategic competition.

The Call to Action features three sections:
1. Seven critical pillars for greater innovation, productivity, and security
2. Seven priority recommendations
3. A comprehensive list of over 50 recommendations aimed at enhancing U.S. innovation.

Click here to read the full Competing in the Next Economy: Innovating in an Age of Disruption and Discontinuity Call to Action.

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