University of Minnesota

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Tennessee - Keynote From Senator Bill Hagerty: Harnessing Tennessee’s Competitive Advantages to Unleash the State’s Full Economic Capability
Overview United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) was introduced and welcomed by Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier at the Competitiveness Conversation Dinner. For his keynote address, the senator focused his remarks on how America and Tennessee can realize their economic potential by taking advantage of their distinctive competitive advantages and unleashing the competitive and entrepreneurial spirit.  […]
Tennessee - Developing Tennessee’s Innovation Economy
Overview The future of innovation will rely increasingly on integrated, multidisciplinary, and multidomain partnerships that span and connect research, development, and deployment of new technologies at scale. In this panel, leaders across academia, government, and business discuss how to build innovation ecosystems that support the technologies of today and the industries of the future. Key […]
Tennessee - Tech Talk #2: A Primer on the Future of Computing—Quantum Information Sciences
Overview Dr. Kate Evans of Oak Ridge National Laboratory gave a crash course of quantum sciences—and potential impacts the domain may have on U.S. innovation and competitiveness. Key Session Insights Using quantum mechanics in computing can greatly increase the efficiency of computer processes. In traditional computing, to find the most efficient process, the computer must […]
Tennessee - Tech Talk #1: Solving Mobility Challenges—The TDOT I-24 MOTION Project
Overview While being caught in traffic may feel like an inconvenience to you, the cumulative cost on the economy is massive. A study by mobility analytics company Inrix found that Americans lost a total of 51 hours, and traffic congestion cost the United States more than $81 billion in 2021. Considering the high cost of […]
Tennessee - Redefining “Place” in the 21st Century: Broadening and Deepening Tennessee’s Innovation Ecosystem
Overview As competition in the global innovation landscape intensifies, there is a growing urgency to capitalize on untapped talent, technology, investment, and infrastructure. To boost competitiveness, the United States—and Tennessee—must focus on expanding and deepening both the demography and the geography of innovation, meaningfully engaging different communities and diverse populations as workers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and […]
Tennessee - The Pillars of Innovation: Deploying Tech-based Innovation at Speed and Scale, Accelerating the Future of Sustainability, and Defining the Future of Work and the Workforce
Overview What are the key factors to building an innovative economy? Kicking off the Tennessee Competitiveness Conversation, global business leaders with major operations in Tennessee explored the key pillars of innovation as articulated in the Council’s “National Commission on Innovation & Competitiveness Frontiers”—highlighting both key challenges and opportunities for Tennessee, particularly within the automotive and […]
Tennessee - Putting Competitiveness in Context: Challenges and Opportunities for 2024
Overview With the United States facing unprecedented challenges at home and abroad—from economic inequality to geopolitical tension to climate change to energy and national security—innovative solutions are needed more than ever. Innovation can foster the development of sustainable technologies, create new economic opportunities, and promote collaborative solutions to global issues. But innovation is often an […]
Council Insights: Immigration Emerges as a Major Contributor to Healthy Economy
Economists have been keeping a close eye on the U.S. labor market as the economy continues to toe the line between inflationary and recessionary pressures. In particular, experts have noticed a divergence between sustained tightness in the labor market (e.g., low unemployment, high job openings), and easing inflation. New research from Brookings points to elevated […]
TLSI 2024 Winter Dialogue Summary Report
On February 26, 2024, the Council on Competitiveness convened its 29th Technology Leadership and Strategy Initiative (TLSI) Dialogue on the Arizona State University (ASU) campus. Nearly 30 leaders from technology companies, universities, government, and national laboratories gathered to explore the issues, challenges, and opportunities shaping the U.S. innovation ecosystem. Discussions were centered around two themes—developing […]
Council Insights: Startup Boom Signals Strengthening Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
In the decade prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, American entrepreneurship lagged behind the historically high levels that many have come to expect. In 1982 about 38 percent of U.S. firms were less than five years old; by 2018, that share fell to 29 percent, with many start-ups concentrated in Silicon Valley and a few other […]
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