Pillar 7: Expanding 10x Place-Making Innovation and Collaborative Innovation Networks
Innovation occurs everywhere. As a nation, we must deepen and broaden innovation ecosystems in all parts of our country—amplifying the networks of people, places, and assets that create the basis for growth and inclusive prosperity. Regional innovation hubs that bring together businesses, universities, national laboratories, and government in hyper-connected and collaborative networks can stimulate unexpected and productive partnerships, cultivate pro-innovation regional cultures, and support the development of specialized workforce skills and expertise.
- Establish a White House “Regional Economic Development Council” to coordinate all federal and community economic development activities to optimize goals, enable co-investment, and eliminate duplication.
- Under the auspices of the“Regional Economic Development Council,” design a strategy that leverages private sector infrastructure, R&D, and workforce investments to maximize regional benefits and local impact.
- Expand the mandates of all federal departments and agencies—including the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Small Business Administration, and the National Science Foundation—to explicitly support the development and expansion of regional innovation ecosystems across America.
- Develop innovative new financing models to cultivate vibrant and sustainable innovation ecosystems in underserved communities, including investing in advanced manufacturing “Enterprise Zones.”
- Establish criteria and a certification process for “Innovation Districts,” and provide tax and other benefits for regions achieving “Innovation District” certification.
- To build and strengthen the Defense Industrial Base, deepen collaboration between universities, businesses, workforce boards, National Laboratories, and the U.S. Department of Defense, including access to shared secure research facilities.
- Leverage existing national and regional cooperative extension programs in advanced manufacturing, agriculture, and health care to facilitate rapid R&D deployment and new job creation.
- Increase the knowledge base of innovation ecosystem policy and practice, the sharing of best practices for regional models and experimental pilots that attract and grow high-value investment and job creation.
- Build new networks of business, academia, labor, and government leaders across states and regions to join forces and leverage the existing assets and capabilities required to build next-generation capacity for the industries and jobs of the future.
- Deepen and broaden regional access to early-stage and mezzanine financing for start-ups, business scale-up, and build-out of manufacturing operations, using tax and other targeted incentives, including in underserved communities and Enterprise Zones.