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Tennessee - Special Keynote From Governor Bill Lee—Laying the Groundwork Today for Success Tomorrow

Key Address Insights

Bill Lee, Tennessee’s 50th Governor, made it clear that Tennessee is a success story because of its people. Tennessee has one of the fastest growing economies of any state and is an attractive destination for interstate migrants. A low tax burden and one of the lowest debts per capita of any state helps the state maintain a business-friendly environment. But the state’s remarkable growth has been achieved not by the state government, according Governor Lee, but by the efforts of individuals and organizations within the state. The government’s role, by contrast, has been to act as a steward of taxpayers’ money in a fiscally responsible manner, and to create an environment in which others can problem solve and innovate to build a better economy.

“The longer I'm here, the more I realize the government's incapacity and lack of resources and ability to address those challenges is all the more evident. We have the opportunity in state government to create an environment in which the people sitting in this room and leaders all across Tennessee can engage in the things they know will make life better.”
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee

By keeping the focus on individuals, Governor Lee and the Tennessee state government have created policies that promote economic development and provide benefits to Tennesseans from all walks of life. The Governor’s belief in a policy approach that would benefit individuals and families was conceived and reinforced during his election run, when he would drive by homes across the state and try to imagine what would matter most to the person or family behind each mailbox. From this focus on the individual families across Tennessee came a policy agenda focused on their needs and priorities. The success of focusing on what’s best for Tennesseans has been undeniable, with more than 90 percent of Tennessee’s counties experiencing growth, a stark contrast to the frustratingly uneven growth in many other states.

Much of the Governor’s policy focus has been on education and workforce development. Through the Governor’s Investment and Vocational Education (GIVE) Act, vocational, agricultural, and technical training were expanded, helping deliver for industries across the state the workforce they need to succeed. According to Governor Lee, investing in the workforce and in people will not only benefit the state’s residents but make it a more attractive destination for outside capital.

The decades-long decline of manufacturing the United States has reversed in recent years, and Tennessee is at the center of that transformation. As the national economy pivots toward reshoring supply chains, Tennessee is strongly positioned for growth in manufacturing—tapping both foreign and domestic investment to do so. And infrastructure expansion—with an eye on the long term in areas like water, sewer, and energy—make Tennessee a more attractive destination for businesses, outside investors, individuals, and their families.

In closing, the Governor emphasized the key to success does not primarily reside within the government, but his administration is dedicated to creating conditions that empower local leaders and communities to forge a prosperous future for Tennessee. The Governor shared long-term vision for the state: “What I think about today is not so much about what we are going to get done in this session or the next session, as it is about what we are going to do to set Tennessee up for success in 25 years.” And, this vision rests on a foundation of financial stewardship, strategic investments in education, and a commitment to conserving the state’s cherished landscape—all fundamental to making Tennessee a preferred destination for state, national, and global innovators.

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