University of Minnesota

National Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness Frontiers

Phase 2 Working Group: The Future of Tech – Developing and Deploying Disruptive Technology at Speed and Scale

Working Group Assets

Working Group Objective

The United States faces fierce competition from other countries in emerging technologies. Our fiercest competitor is China, which is reaping the benefits of decades of heightened R&D investment, absorption and theft of foreign technologies and IP, and expanded geopolitical engagement. Falling behind strategic competitors like China in the global innovation race would severely undermine U.S. competitiveness for decades. This growing threat has underscored the need to strengthen the United States’ position as an innovation superpower to sustain its economic and national security strength.

The technologies that are reshaping society and the global economy are being rapidly developed and deployed. It is estimated that artificial intelligence (AI) systems alone could contribute $16 trillion to global GDP by 2030, making AI the largest commercial opportunity in the next economy. The ongoing convergence between disruptive technologies is what will revolutionize industries and create new competitive advantages for nations that lead their development.

In the 2020 report, Competing in the Next Economy, the Commission identified ten critical technologies with the greatest potential to create economic and societal value over the coming decades:

Key Issues + Discussion Questions

In Phase 2 of the National Commission, the Developing and Deploying Disruptive Tech at Speed and Scale working group is striving to answer questions like:

  • How can the United States harness technologies and their convergence to expand its global competitiveness in industries of the future?
  • How can the United States drive homegrown innovations in these areas?
  • How can the United States build the domestic ecosystem to go from “lab to market” with minimum dependency on other nations, especially those who do not share our values or strategic interests?
  • If the United States can’t do it alone, how can it build strategic partnerships with others?
  • How can the United States bolster the security, resiliency, and reliability of critical supply chains?

Working Group Members

Gabrielle Allan
University of Wyoming

Errol Arkilic
University of California, Irvine

David A. Bader

Varadharajan Basker

Emily Boies
University of Illinois, Springfield

Carol Burns
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Thomas Campbell
FutureGrasp, LLC

Mike Cassidy
Emory University

Dean Chang
University of Maryland

Walter Copan
Colorado School of Mines

Dave Copps
Worlds, Inc.

Deborah L. Crawford
The University of Tennessee, Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development

Dona Crawford
Lawrence Livermore Foundation

Candace Culhane
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Rebecca Cunningham
University of Michigan

Raissa d'Souza
University of California, Davis

Peter Dorhout
Iowa State University

Deborah Ann Frincke
Sandia National Laboratories

Tommy Gardner
HP Inc.

Michelle Gribbins
University of Illinois, Springfield

Joanna Groden
University of Illinois at Chicago

Robert Hoekstra
Sandia National Laboratories

Paul Hommert
Sandia National Laboratories

Justine Johaness
Sandia National Laboratories

Pradeep Khosla
University of California, San Diego

Jim Kroes
Boise State
Kelvin Lee
University of Delaware

Christina Lomasney
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Susan Martinis
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Tom Mildenhall
Bank of America

Mark Minevich
Going Global Ventures

Ali Nejadmalayeri
University of Wyoming

Joseph Pancrazio
University of Texas at Dallas

Lizy Paul
Lockheed Martin

Albert Pisano
University of California, San Diego

Todd Pray
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Shashank Priya
University of Minnesota

Irene Qualters
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Padma Raghavan
Vanderbilt University

Ramamoorthy Ramesh
Rice University

Toby Redshaw
Verus Advisory

Daniel Reed
University of Utah

Jeff Rhoads
University of Notre Dame

Gene Robinson
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Thomas Ruhe

Jaclyn L. Shaw
Tufts University

Roland Stephen
SRI International

Jed Taylor
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Maria Toyoda
Western New England University

Ed Vasko
Boise State

Marianne Walck
Idaho National Laboratory

To learn more about the National Commission on Innovation & Competitiveness Frontiers, please contact Council on Competitiveness Executive Vice President Chad Evans at [email protected].

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