University of Minnesota

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Future Of Tech: Navigating Uncertainty & Planning For Prosperity
Predicting the future is a business unto itself with pundits, futurists, scientists, engineers, and more constantly sharing their musings of the future. And this business has incredible implications on society - whether the predictions manifest or not. For example, take a look at just one survey of the future: the 1970 McGraw-Hill Survey of Technological […]
America’s High-Tech Manufacturing Rising Stars
For decades, the U.S. economy has been caught in a whirlwind of global competition and rapid technological change. Some regions have soared, while others have seen their manufacturing economies crushed by competition from lower-wage countries.  Leaders in struggling regions have often looked to America’s high-tech superstars—such as Silicon Valley and Boston—for models to revitalize their […]
Who Will Lead The Age Of Fusion Energy?
Every now and then, a scientific breakthrough changes the world. From the Copernican heliocentric model of the universe and electricity to penicillin and the discovery of the structure of DNA, these developments transform our globe — and another one has been reached. A new breakthrough with world changing potential.  For most of human history, why […]
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